Monday, March 19, 2007

02 Our lawyers made us change the name of our title coz all we got was this song written for Steffi

wah-lau-eh, i dunno how we came out with this idea but we wanna make sumthing stupid to laugh at.. all coz the other day we were online and pL suddenly told me he wanna write song all so we come out with some lines, summor copy from DC Talk.. here it goes,

1st we wanna dedicated this few lines to steffi:

oh, in the light
Steffi you're so bright,
i see you like you wanna fly,
oh Steffi when you leave you left us here to cry,
and you didn't even say to us bye bye
you didn't even say to us bye bye.

for pL, this will be his 1st step in composing songs and for me, i did it just for fun. Suppose to be her farewell wan but haih, someone told her!! so SAD........

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