Tuesday, May 27, 2008

i should have realised this when i 1st watched Narnia a few years back. Even though its a book, especially a children/teenager's story book, i find that it's filled with violence and some bad moral in its story. I mean, yes, C.S Lewis is a Christian writer, yes, all his Narnia books is somehow incorporated with biblical themes, yes, its a story about good vs evil, light against darkness but to tell a story about children, kids, having to take someone else's life, come on LaH! i think that's a bit twisted and contradicting to all we believe in.

It is not easy for someone to take another person's life. Even grown ups, cops who fight crimes everday, soldiers, FBI, CIA, all of them have a moral dilemma when they defiled other's body with a bullet or even slicing & dicing people into chucks of meat. If it is hard enough for them then how would it feel for a kid to take one's life? To watch Narnia and to see pre-high schoolers mince their enemies without remorse and having 2nd thoughts, is SICK. And come to think of it, the movie is rated U while other less tormented movies are rated 18-SG. Bodoh betul.

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