Friday, August 31, 2007

67 Haih! Kena tag again.. Why you all like to tag me?

pL, why you make me do it?

10 people you love. (excluding family members. Not in order)
- i love everyone. God tells us to love our neighbours, our enemies and everyone else so i don't have a top 10 ppl i love. must be fair to all rite?

10 things you want to do before you die along the way.
- hmmm, this is a bit challenging. i wanna do so many things before i leave this world. so to makes things easy, i'll just list down the top 10 places i wanna go in my life:
01. America - mau tengok Disneyworld, New York, California, Vegas and banyak la
02. England - the only reason i'm there is coz i wanna watch the EPL
03. Paris - Eiffel tower, the City of Lights. Who dunwan to go there
04. Rome - art, sculptures, cathedrals, St Peters Basilica, and the list goes on & on
05. Japan - the best thing is to watch the sakura leafs falling on you.

06. Switzerland - Wah! the Alps, the cool & refreshing air from the mountains, Snow!
07. Hong Kong - what else wo, eat la of coz.. chinese people muz try real chinese food ma..
08. New Zealand - home of the hobbits which i love. beautiful scenery, chun country-side
09. Anywhere in the world which has a superb beach & crystal clear sea.
10. All 14 states in Malaysia.

10 things you cannot live without.
- this wan nonit la, everyone gonna answer the same thing nie.

10 bad habits.
- prefer to be half naked all the time
- walking under the rain
- big business in the toilet after makan [60% of the time]
- make fun of people
- bully people
- laugh at people for no reason
- laugh even louder if there's a reason!
- Biting my fingernails
- lazy
- daydream most of the time

10 attitudes that turns you off.
- aiyaiyai. yang ini susah la. i'd say depends on the situation & my mood. if bad mood, anything can turn me off. but if i'm happy, i wouldnt care anything.

10 words to describe yourself. (5 good and 5 bad)
- Bad: uhm!! evil-minded, lazy, disobedient, sadistic, & hmm, tak tau la, not good looking...
- Good: AHha, this wan i leave it to you all la.. tell me whats the 5 thing you all see in me kay!

10 favourite bands.
- Norah Jones
- Maroon 5
- Coldplay
- Keane
- Delirious
- Michelle Branch
- Dashboard Confessional
- Fall Out Boy
- The Beatles
- Linkin Park

10 most prized possessions.
- i treasure everything i have. who doesnt rite? but i have to say five things i like most:
1st : my brain. all the sweet memories from young til now are unforgetable
2nd : my N91. RM1500 and to not care about it is suicidal
3rd : all my comic books. never fail to not enjoy a single moment without it, especiall Shin Chan
4th : my heart. for giving me weird feelings and pumping blood to my whole system.
5th : definitely my sense of humour. without it, i guess i'm not weiloong.

10 people to tag
- any 10 people who is willing to do this tag.

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